This enchanting musical tale follows Peter, a young boy who sets out into the deep forest to catch a wolf. Peter, his grandfather and their animal friends are brought to life by their own instrument, and students will hear the ingenious ways that Prokofiev tells this story through the unique sounds of orchestral instruments.
Peter’s bird-friend flits with the flute while his companion duck waddles along to the oboe. Lively strings hum with Peter’s cheerful energy while horns hint at the shadowy wolf at his heel. Then there’s Grandpa on the bassoon, kettle-drum hunters and even a slinking clarinet cat.
Led by award-winning Australian conductor and educator Jessica Gethin, Peter and the Wolf will introduce your child to the wondrous sounds of a symphony orchestra – the perfect beginning for any child to a magical journey with music.
Presented by Sydney Symphony Orchestra
Event Details:
Dates: 23 August 2025 10:30 and 1pm
Duration: Each performance is expected to run for approximately 45 minutes.
Event duration is a guide only and may be subject to change.Suitable for: Recommended for children ages 5+
Children aged 15 years and under must be accompanied at all times. Children aged 0–23 months at the time of a performance may be seated on a parent’s lap free of charge. All children occupying a seat or aged 2 year/s of age or older must hold a valid ticket.
Location: Sydney Opera House