Mister Maker Returns - Sydney and Melbourne - Info
MISTER MAKER RETURNS for a series of live shows in July that will take him around the country in what promises to be the family show of the year! There will be 5 shows in Sydney on Saturday 30th of June & Sunday 1st July and 6 shows in Melbourne on Thursday 5th ofJuly, Friday 6th of July and Saturday 7th of July.
Photo credit: Mister Maker
Joining Mister Maker on stage will be his famous side-kicks The Shapes as well as the Mister Maker dancers. Mister Maker Returns is a brand-new theatre show, perfect for children of all ages & their grown-ups too! Full of laughter, music and lots of big surprises, this family production will entertain everyone with its creative chaos and fun.
There are lots of exciting opportunities to interact with Mister Maker during the show... There are games to be played and prizes to be won! Mini Makers' artwork will be showcased at the theatre! And, for the first time ever, one lucky audience member will get the chance to dance live on stage with The Shapes! #iamashape
Photo credit: Mister Maker
Screened in over 100 countries, and dubbed in several different languages, Mister Maker’s crafty approach to children’s entertainment sees mini-makers transcend culture and age, with a fan base ranging from toddlers to adults.
For more ideas on what to do with the kids in Sydney, head to our blog, our daily spots list or pools & beaches or playgrounds list. And for a full list of parents rooms around Sydney, head to our parents room page.
For more ideas of what to do with the kids in Melbourne, checkout our Website, our Daily Spots List, CBD Spots or Blog.